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Słownictwo - wojsko

Słówko Tłumaczenie Zdanie przykładowe
army armia Both armies stood in front of each other, ready for the battle.
attack atak The enemy troops were attacked with artillery.
battle bitwa Dying in battle was considered the greatest honour for a Viking.
airforce lotnictwo The airforce played a major role in the "Desert Storm Operation".
navy marynarka wojenna The main duty of the Navy is to protect its native shores.
war wojna The war ended quickly after the battle.
military service służba wojskowa Mark did his military service in the navy.
enemy wróg Heavy bombers bombarded the enemy positions.
soldier żołnierz Soldiers marched in columns.
veteran weteran, kombatant He was treated in a hospital for Vietnam veterans.
arms race wyścig zbrojeń The Soviet Union lost an arms race with the United States.
intelligence wywiad A new chief of army intelligence has been nominated.
rampart wał obronny The castle was protected by ramparts and a deep moat.
artillery artyleria The artillery ceased fire.
cicil war wojna domowa The civil war in Liberia is tearing the country apart.
troop oddział wojskowy The general ordered his troops to cease fire.
wartime czas wojny The book describes life in wartime Paris.
scout zwiadowca The scouts reported that the enemy was building a camp by the river .
duel pojedynek D'Artagnan challenged the three Musketeers to a duel.
vessel okręt They fired a torpedo into the enemy vessel.