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Słownictwo - cechy charakteru

Słówko Tłumaczenie Zdanie przykładowe
lively pełen życia She is always very lively and full of energy.
feature cecha Her physical features are small and delicate, but she has an incredibly loud voice!
mad szalony I used to work as a teacher before I got attacked by a mad student.
cheeky bezczelny She was suspended from school for one day for being cheeky to a teacher.
insipid mdły His handshake was so insipid that I decided at once not to offer him the job.
stupidity głupota The stupidity of that boy surpasses anything I've ever seen before.
distant odległy, chłodny When I first met him he was cold and distant.
disloyal nielojalny Flirting with your friend's boyfriend is being disloyal to her.
stupid głupi He is a good-looking but very stupid man.
proud dumny She is too proud to ask for help.
talkative gadatliwy Jane is a friendly and talkative person.
lazy leniwy I wouldn't say that English people are lazy, but I've never seen one run anywhere.
rude niegrzeczny Little children are quite often rude to their parents.
boring nudny Peter is a boring man - his behaviour is always predictable and conventional.
friendly przyjazny You should always be friendly to people because you may need their help eventually.
sociable towarzyski He's always very sociable when he meets new people.
honesty uczciwość I have full confidence in her honesty.
humble skromny, pokorny Mother Teresa was the most humble person I could ever imagine.
optimist optymista He's a born optimist.
reputable szacowny It is a very reputable firm.