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Phrasal Verbs II

Phrasal Verb Zaczenie Zdanie przykładowe
to account for wyjaśnić np. powody Has he accounted for his absence at yesterday's meeting?
to go through sth przejrzeć Can we go through this report again?
to hang on czekać Mr Gowing is busy at the moment, would you like to hang on for a while?
to move on (to sth) przejść do czegoś Can we move on to the next issue?
to put forward przedłożyć, zaproponować The solution put forward by Mr Fletcher seems to be reasonable.
to iron out sth rozwiązać np. problem, usunąć przeszkodę We need to iron out a few technical problems before we start production.
to bump up zwiększyć znacznie, podbić If we bump up the prices we will lose customers.
to base on opierać na Her latest novel is based on a true story.
to come back wracać Images from that film keep coming back to me.
to draw on sth opierać się na czymś, czerpać z czegoś Her music draws on Japanese tradition.